Monday, June 4, 2012

Getting Started...

My name is Morgan Barron and I am in the Education Department (K-8) at Mississippi State University. I am from Tupelo, MS. I have two little sisters, Ashley, who is 14, and Cassidy, who is 5. We are very spread out in age! My parents just celebrated their 23rd wedding anniversary yesterday, June 3rd. My family is very involved in my life, and I would not trade any of it! Ashley is on a traveling gymnastics team and Cassidy loves to be in programs at school and church. One of my favorite things is being able to support them in their many activities. I am so excited about graduating and starting my teaching career!

I knew I wanted to become a teacher when I was in sixth grade. I knew I wanted to teach English. One of my favorite teachers was my English teacher. She was enthusiastic about the subject and was always encouraging and helpful. No matter what the students were struggling with, she never put anyone down. She always tried to find the best in everyone. That is one of my goals for being a teacher.

Three goals I have for the course, EDE 3223, is one, to be able to learn more about middle school children. I do not know much about them, other than my sister. I want to be able to learn how they act, how they are as learners, what motivates them, etc. Two, I want to be able to become more advanced with technology. I want to be able to know how to work computers and Internet programs better. Three, I want to be able to reflect better about myself. I want to be able to accept criticism in a positive way and become better at changing things about myself for the better.

My general expectations for this course is to become more familiar with middle school students and the middle school classrooms. I expect to learn strategies for teaching and connecting with students. I also expect to learn how to interact and plan with other teachers.

Middle school teachers, I believe, have to deal with a lot. They have to deal with attitudes, hormones, emotions, etc. Not only do teacher have to deal with the classroom, they also have to deal with all of those things. I believe middle school teachers must be understanding of the students changing hormones! I also believe that middle school teachers need to give the students structure and time lines. There should be set deadlines and structures to work they turn in, so when they get to high school and college, they aren't set behind. Lastly, I believe that middle school teachers need to be encouraging. It is a hard time for most students in middle school. Students can be mean! Teachers need to be examples of how attitudes should be and how students should treat others.

Middle school teachers can be detrimental to students by the way they treat them in the classroom. Teachers can discourage students by always picking on them when they are wrong. Teachers can also discourage students by never giving them a chance to succeed. Teachers need to be open minded and able to see past the students home life. Teachers need to be able to set aside their pride to help students achieve. I believe every student can succeed in life with encouragement. Teachers can be detrimental to students by setting too high of expectations. Yes, teachers need to set high expectations, but setting unattainable goals makes the students feel worthless. Teachers can also be detrimental to students by showing favoritism. All students should be treated the same. Teachers should not have favorite students!

I can offer encouragement to the class community. I always try to be positive and helpful in any way I can. I will gladly stop what I am doing to help someone. If I do not understand, or I cannot help, I will gladly try to find someone who can. I am always there for people, and it is one of my favorite things. I want to be an encouragement for everyone!